Start your career at PARSA Beauty now and shape the future of the beauty industry together with us.
As the NO1 BRAND for beauty tools & accessories, we offer you exciting career opportunities in the beauty industry, a wide range of development opportunities and plenty of creative freedom.
At PARSA Beauty, you can expect not only an incomparable team and a unique culture, but also attractive benefits - we offer you the best conditions for professional and personal development in an exciting environment. Your future in the beauty industry starts here!
"Scope for decision-making, a lot of responsibility and good teamwork - if you appreciate that, PARSA Beauty is the right place for you.
At PARSA Beauty, we enjoy the great luxury of being able to make our decisions completely freely. We offer our employees the opportunity to develop and grow personally in a continuous process.”
Heiko Hofer | General Manager & Owner
"Success always takes centre stage at PARSA Beauty - but we also celebrate!
At PARSA Beauty, it's all about showing commitment and determination. Even in bad times, when things aren't going so well, you have to stick with it. Success will come and then you will be rewarded.
Frank Hohl | Managing Director

"In PARSA Beauty sales, we are characterised by a high level of dynamism and constant growth, which is characterised by the diversity of different customer types, channels and markets.
We offer our talents extensive development opportunities and, with our strong product ranges and the PARSA Beauty brand, give you the chance to become part of a real success story. The shortest decision-making paths, a collegial and friendly working environment in sales, close, professional interfaces with relevant specialist departments and the use of state-of-the-art technologies as well as increasing digitalisation create the ideal basis for your personal success at PARSA Beauty."
Marc Wandrey | Managing Director & Head of Sales
... imagine, your mission is PARSA Beauty!

Unser Erfolg und unsere Innovationsstärke machen uns zum Marktführer für Beauty Tools & Accessoires in Europa.
Über 1.400 Beauty-Experten arbeiten täglich Hand in Hand bei PARSA Beauty zusammen. Unser Erfolg ist Teamwork.
Weltweit sind unsere Produkte an über 17.000 Verkaufspunkten in mehr als 35 Ländern erhältlich. Wir denken groß!
55 % unserer leitenden Positionen werden von Frauen übernommen.
Über 80 % unserer Mitarbeitenden empfehlen uns weiter.
Careers don't follow a set pattern - and that's exactly what makes them exciting. In our career talk, we give you an insight into the individual careers of our talents at PARSA Beauty.
Whether young talents, long-standing experts or on the fast track to management - every career is unique, just like the people behind it. As a dynamic company with development opportunities, our colleagues talk about their professional development at PARSA Beauty, share their experiences and provide insights into how they have grown at PARSA Beauty, mastered challenges and forged their own paths.
Discover what opportunities for advancement and career prospects await you at PARSA Beauty!
We know that satisfaction with your own hair, skin and body is invaluable for your personal well-being. That's why our innovative products are more than just beauty tools - they are an expression of passion, fun and experimentation.
Beauty should not be trapped in rigid rules but should offer freedom for creativity and self-realization. For us, it's not about perfection, but about authentic expression.
At PARSA Beauty, individuality and new ideas take center stage. We question the status quo, rethink beauty and create an environment in which you can try things out, grow and bring about real change.
Are you ready for your most beautiful development?
"PARSA Beauty offers the perfect breeding ground for the most beautiful career development.
A culture that encourages development requires a safe environment, a challenger who challenges you and successes must be celebrated. PARSA Beauty offers a wonderful pool of creative opportunities, a lot of freedom and support for talents and experts who want to develop."
Nadine Stierhof | Head of HR
Wir sind klar in unseren Visionen und haben unsere Ziele fest im Blick – unser Erfolgswille treibt uns an. „Das machen wir schon immer so.“ ist keine Begründung. Für gar nichts. Wir handeln entschlossen und zielorientiert, weil wir wissen, dass Performance der Maßstab für unseren Erfolg ist.
Unsere Entscheidungen treffen wir bewusst und transparent, immer mit dem Fokus auf das Ergebnis. Wir sind stolz darauf, eine Kultur der Klarheit zu leben, in der jeder weiß, was erwartet wird und was wir gemeinsam erreichen wollen.
Wir brechen mit alten Klischees und zeigen, dass Arbeit nicht nur Pflicht, sondern auch Freude ist. Diese Energie spiegelt sich in unseren Ergebnissen wider und ist der Schlüssel zu unserem Erfolg. Wir schaffen eine Atmosphäre, in der Wertschätzung und Initiative an erster Stelle stehen, sodass jeder sich und seine individuellen Stärken entfalten kann.
Arbeit darf Spaß machen, und wir leben diese Haltung, indem wir Herausforderungen mit Begeisterung annehmen und gemeinsam wachsen.
Die Welt verändert sich ständig, und wir haben verstanden, dass wir uns mit ihr entwickeln müssen. Unsere Flexibilität und Innovationskraft ermöglichen es uns, immer frisch und agil zu bleiben.
Dabei übernehmen wir Verantwortung für unsere Entwicklung und stellen uns den neuen Anforderungen der Branche. Wir setzen auf kontinuierliches Lernen, Inspiration und den Mut, neue Wege zu gehen. Unsere Leidenschaft für Innovation sorgt dafür, dass wir immer einen Schritt voraus sind:


Echte Entwicklungschancen

Raum für Veränderung und Gestaltung

Regelmäßige PARSA Beauty Meetings

Modernes Office in der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar

Flexibles & mobiles Arbeiten

Unvergessliche Team Events

Eigene Kantine & kostenlose Getränke


Moderne Infrastruktur

Individuelle Weiterbildung

Personalrabatt auf unser PARSA Beauty Sortiment
Our values form the foundation of our collaboration at PARSA Beauty. They are the compass that guides us in all areas and ensures that we continue to make progress as a team and as a company. The perform2grow initiative creates a structured framework for all organizational development measures and is also at the heart of our values-based performance culture.
For us, performance is not just a goal, but a culture - an attitude that is visible in everything we do. Our employees are motivated to always give their best by taking responsibility, contributing their passion and continuously working on their own development.
In a world that is constantly changing, it is crucial that we as a company remain flexible and adapt to the dynamic requirements of the industry. Our modern performance culture encourages us to see change not as a challenge, but as an opportunity. We are willing to evolve, test new ideas and continuously improve in order to remain successful in the future.


Unternehmenserfolg dauerhaft sichern
Mehr Leistungsfähigkeit in der Organisation
Effizientes Wachstum mit gesteigerter Profitabilität
Persönliche Entwicklungspotenziale maximal ausschöpfen
Are you ready for your most beautiful development in the beauty industry? Then join PARSA Beauty and start your exciting journey!
As the NO1 BRAND for beauty tools & accessories, we offer you exciting career opportunities, a wide range of development options and plenty of room for manoeuvre - the best conditions for your professional and personal development.
So, what are you waiting for?